19 September 2024
Madagascar discovered the first giant bird in history with a height of up to 3 meters 2

Madagascar discovered the first giant bird in history with a height of up to 3 meters 2

Talking about the largest bird, the first thing people think of is probably the ostrich, but the ostrich is not the largest member of the bird family.

If you are a person who loves to learn and explore giant birds, surely everyone knows about the elephant bird Aepyornis, which also lives in Madagascar, the largest individual of this species can reach a weight of more than

In fact, not all elephant birds are large in size.

The largest birds in history once lived with humans, but due to climate change, habitat competition and human influence, their numbers have declined.

Biologists’ knowledge about elephant birds so far is mostly through excavated skeletons.

Madagascar discovered the first giant bird in history with a height of up to 3 meters

But in 2018, James Hansford and Samuel Turvey from the Zoological Society of London discovered the relationship of the elephant bird Aepyornis maximus to the skeleton of the named elephant bird Aepyornis titan and clearly showed the difference.

Madagascar discovered the first giant bird in history with a height of up to 3 meters

At this time, the species Aepyornis titan was given a completely new name, Vorombe, originating from Malagasy, meaning `super giant` bird, with the full scientific name Vorombe titan.

Madagascar discovered the first giant bird in history with a height of up to 3 meters

Vorombe titan is the largest bird in history known to humans. This giant bird is larger than the elephant bird Aepyornis and its height can reach more than 3 meters.

Because of that huge size, the Vorombe titan took the title of the largest bird in history, and it could even compete for food sources and habitat with the Magyarosaurus dinosaurs if they lived.

Madagascar discovered the first giant bird in history with a height of up to 3 meters

The giant birds are classified in the genus Aepyornithidae under the family Aepyornithiformes, and they are similar in appearance to the elephant bird Aepyornis.

The Vorombe titan is a pure land giant bird that has lost the ability to fly, so its forelimbs (wings) have shrunk to the point where they are almost invisible when hidden under their feathers.

Madagascar discovered the first giant bird in history with a height of up to 3 meters

A large island far from the African continent, the island of Madagascar hangs in the Indian Ocean.

When humans landed in Madagascar, they encountered large land birds including giant birds.

According to legend, the indigenous people of Madagascar once worshiped giant native elephant birds as gods.

They were finally doomed to extinction around 1,000 years ago, and some accounts believe that the last large land birds in Madagascar became extinct at the end of the 17th century. In any case, these species

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