Every day, the eyes have to be active and work, so the eyes constantly regulate.
There are two common types of eyelid twitches today: Eyelid twitches due to fatigue and twitches related to health problems.
Limit caffeine intake
This advice may surprise many people.
For people who drink too much coffee, the increased risk of stress and fatigue will also cause the eyelids to twitch more often.
Health problems can arise if the eyelids twitch continuously
In addition to reflex twitches when the body is tired and needs to rest, eyelid twitches are sometimes also a sign that a person is having a health problem.
For people who often experience eyelid twitching along with symptoms such as itchy nose, difficulty breathing, stuffiness, itchy rash… this may be a sign that they are having problems related to allergies.
Twitching eyelids can also warn of the presence of a tumor in the eye.
In short, there are many causes of eyelid twitching from a scientific perspective.